Forest Honey (Ecologic)
Forest Honey (Ecologic)
Region: León, Castilla y León
SALVAXE is honey family company that made their passion into their way of life, combining both their love for honey and their commitment to the environment. Their organic honey supports sustainable beekeeping livelihoods in the magical region of El Bierzo, Leon, a wild environment of great ecological and environmental value. The SALVAXE Eco Forest honey is produced from oat, corn oat, chestnut, and heather forests.
Perfect with any cheese, meet marinade, as well as sweetener for hot drinks.
Forest honey have antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, as well as rich in mineral and vitamins. Its consumption is indicated to strengthen the body against diseases such as anemia, stress or physical and mental efforts.
Colour: amber to dark amber
Aroma: floral with a distinctive malty note, intense and harmonious
Flavour: sweet with salary notes, and intense malty taste